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Honorable Mention Data Viz Gallery

Honorable Mention Data Viz Gallery

Great work is being done across all of our Big Ten institutions!  Entries below are being highlighted for receiving honorable mentions.

Indiana DOE Graduation and Enrollment Data

Description: This tableau displays past and predicted Indiana HS graduation and enrollment by county, school corporation, and individual school.  Students can be filtered on historically marginalized populations or free/reduced lunch populations.

Author: Sasha Haywood - Indiana University


Application to Major

Description: The Application to Major dashboard provides details about students applying to undergraduate engineering majors. The Sankey Diagram dashboard can be used to track students through the process and track where applications are at each stage of the process.

Author: Austin Mack, College of Engineering - Ohio State University


Faculty Demographic Profile dashboard

Description: Created in partnership between the Office of Institutional Planning & Research and the Office of Human Resources, this dashboard shows trends in faculty over time. 

Authors: Negash Negash, Office of Institutional Planning & Research, and Mary-Butler Ravneberg, Office of Human Resources - Ohio State University


Visualizing Self-Tracked Data to Navigate Well-Being

Description: An Associate Professor in the Department of Design, Yvette’s teaching portfolio exemplifies her ability to put theoretical knowledge into practice. This website not only showcases work from students and herself, but also serves as a shared educational resource. It stands as a living archive of our collective journey in using data visualization to navigate well-being. 

Authors: Yvette Shen & students - Ohio State University


How Lego Built Its Empire

Description: The evolution of LEGO sets and themes over the years.

Author: Eleftherios Lymperopoulos - University of Maryland


Spring 2023 Academic Technology Systems & Services Report

Description: This submission is the Academic Technology Systems & Services report, produced by the Academic Technology Experience team within the Division of IT each a semester. With over 150 metrics from 36 data sources, this report provides a high-level overview of the implementation and uses of our campus's most impactful technologies. We believe that Academic technology-related systems and services help to amplify innovative teaching, learning, and research practices at UMD, and providing trends in an engaging, easy-to-use format facilitates conversations on everything from pedagogical implications of using Panopto lecture capture to student learning support opportunities to the best time to send an announcement in ELMS-Canvas (weekdays at noon!).

The Spring 2023 report represents a shift from the previous format – a 40-page PDF report – in an effort to reach the entire UMD community. Developed with input from usability testing, this more accessible series of pages serves as a basis for other data-based communication opportunities, such as a micorlearning series our team calls screen stories. These are fun facts from the Academic Technology Systems & Services Report, tied together with a simple message that are displayed on our team’s home page (it.umd.edu/analytics) as well as throughout screens on campus, such as in Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center. Please feel free to contact the author for questions or more details, and this submission is made on behalf of the entire Academic Technology Experience team. 

Authors: Alia Lancaster, Jonathan Engleberg, and Tiffany Pao - University of Maryland