The Benefits of Membership: The Washington Post Focuses on University of Maryland's Entrance into the CIC
May 7, 2013, 12:31 PM
As outlined in The Washington Post, University of Maryland students, faculty, and staff are poised to reap the benefits of joining the Committee on Institutional Cooperation.

Resources, opportunities, and savings—before long the University of Maryland will begin enjoying the benefits of belonging to the Committee on Institutional Cooperation.
After a visit to College Park by the CIC's Executive Leadership Team, The Washington Post ran an article highlighting some of the many advantages that the University of Maryland's students, faculty, and staff will soon have when Maryland becomes a fully-fledged member of the consortium July 1, 2013.
"For example, Indiana University recently offered first-year Dutch, intermediate Mongolian and introductory Zulu to other CIC schools. The University of Michigan reciprocated with second-year Tibetan, modern Korean literature and first-year Czech.
CIC faculty are plugged into a common data network that seems to get bigger and faster all the time, allowing the rapid transfer of massive quantities of information, extremely valuable for cooperative research.
Just as important, educators say, the leaders of various wings of the academy — libraries, information technology, research laboratories, etc. — all get together frequently with CIC colleagues to swap ideas, plan joint initiatives and, not incidentally, hunt for ways to save money."
For the complete article: U-Md. Joins Big Ten's Academic Network
For more on the University of Maryland's entrance into the CIC, please visit the CIC Expansion pages.