LAG Resources and Events

LAG Resources and Events

Webinar: Revised ADA Title II in the Library (August 27, 2024)

Pre-webinar Materials, Presentation Summary, and Q&A


Recording / SRT File (download)

Feedback form


Presented by members of the Library Accessibility Group 


  • Amy Drayer, User Interface Developer at the University of Minnesota Libraries
  • Binky Lush, Manager, Discovery, Access and Web Services, Libraries Strategic Technologies at Penn State University Libraries
  • Heidi Schroeder, Accessibility Coordinator at Michigan State University Libraries
  • Nancy Sims, Director of Copyright and Scholarly Communication at University of Minnesota Libraries
  • Frank Sweis, User Experience Librarian at Northwestern University

Disclaimer: Most speakers are not attorneys and none can give legal advice. Opinions are their own and are not reflective of their employers or the BTAA. 


General questions? Contact the BTAA Library Team